Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar. The general of Rome about to be crowned king.  He is obviously very intelligent and strategic to get to the position he is at, but his new found power sparks jealousy in his political peers.  Cassius accuses him of being weak and unworthy of ruling Rome.  Caesar's arrogance forces him to refuse to admit that he is intimidated by the threat, but he is sure to avoid his antagonist as much as possible.  On the contrary, Caesar is considered "weak" due to his condition of epilepsy and deafness in one ear. We can see his superstitious side when he commands Marc Antony to run naked in the festive races and touch his wife, Calphurnia, to make her fertile.  Even though he is superstitious, his arrogance overcomes this trait when he ignores the fortune teller that predicts Caesar's assassination.

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