Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Personal Growth

Over the past two weeks of fall break, although it was somewhat uneventful, I could say that my personal growth would be how I became more family oriented and also learned how to manage my time better. Throughout this break I was able to spend more time with my family when my cousin and his family came for a visit for the weekend. It's been a long time since we've spent time with the whole family, so it was nice to get to spend the weekend with them. Another personal growth of mine was how I learned to manage my time more efficiently. Even with color guard practices and other things I needed to do throughout the two weeks, I was able to accomplish my goal of finishing all my homework on time, and even a little more than what I had to do. Since I have an AP class this year, it was more than what I had to do during breaks back in freshman year. But with it I learned time management, which helps to reduce stress.

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