Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Personal Growth

During the past two weeks of fall break i have grown in my kickboxing training. I started taking class with my brother 1 week before break started. At first i didnt understand the concept of the kicking, punching, and dodging, but thats why my brother helped me with it and i practiced it everyday. During break i excersiced alot to keep my body in shape. Ive been lifting some weights to get muscles on my arm when punching your opponent, and skateboarding to work on my legs for kicking. On the second week of break, i went to class and i improved on my formation and learning more to block around my face area. Another way ive grown was that i noticed im not as stressed, and ive been getting alot more sleep than i used too. after going to kickingboxing class 3 times a week, i get at least a full day of rest and i feel alot better than before.

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