Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Academic Literacy Plan

How effective is the Academic Literacy Plan?  I am told to teach systematically and I believe this is the best way for an entire school to teach a set of 6 skills and 3 habits to a school that has over 1800 students.  Others may argue that this systematic approach of teaching inhibits a teacher's creativity within their classroom or does it?
Mr. Salazar


  1. I believe the Academic Literacy Plan is effective, especially for teaching a large number of students specific skills vital to success in school. However, I also believe there is room for every teacher to incorporate their own style and sense of creativity without deviating from the structure of the program.

  2. The Academic Literacy Plan is effective because it gives us students a sense of what students in college use to learn. It helps us become more prepared. I think that the plan does not inhibit a teacher's creativity. They just need to think out of the box. X]

  3. I think that the ALP is effective since the College-Readiness Skills are the essential and common skills that are used throughout college. I think that teachers are able to put their creativity into it since I believe it doesn't limit them.

  4. I think the Academic Literacy Plan is effective because it helps students get prepared for college. ALP doesn't limit teacher's creativity since they acquisition various ways on how to apply these skills.

  5. Although, the Academic Literacy Plan is very systematic and bland, I also believe that there is still room for creativity and imagination. Since I am the type of person who's able to memorize pieces of information much easier through aesthetics rather than systematic procedures, I consider creativity to be very necessary in the process of learning the ALP.

  6. The Academic Literacy Plan has it's positive and negative qualities. It enables the teachers to create their own lesson plans that revolve around the College Readiness skills, which in turn will make the students better in school. The negative side is that the teachers concentrate too much in those specific areas. In order to create a successful plan, it has to be compromised with a variety of skills and life-long lessons.

  7. I think that the Academic Literacy Plan of our school is highly effective since the 6 College Readiness Skills will help any student excel in a higher education and the 3 Habits of Mind not only help us in school, but also help us in our other goals in life. I believe that this systematic style of learning does not inhibits a teacher's creativity and the teacher's creativity and imagination should be used on demonstrating how to use the ALP. Usually, teachers are only focusing what the ALP is rather than practicing the skills and the habits.

  8. The Academic Literacy Plan is effective because these college readiness skills & habits of mind are basically like guidlines to help a student's ability to learn in school, and perhaps elsewhere. Teachers are not limited on how they teach. Teachers can teach however they think will help students learn something, as long as they find out some kind of way that the college readiness skills & habits of mind can be used by the students.

  9. I believe the Academic Literacy Plan is very effective towards us students. All the components of the ALP, the Habits of Mind and the College Readiness Skills help us, well of course help us get into college and to stay in college but a teacher of mines last year always reminded us it also helped us understand material being taught more and it did help me understand the material. I always came to the ALP for reference when i needed help. The teacher can be creative to teach the ALP so students can actually have fun and learn at the same time. Even if the ALP is great and effective, teachers should also teach the students different other skills and habits so we can be more successful in our own paths of life. (:

  10. I personally think that the Academic Literacy Plan is very effective considering the fact that it benefits the students work ethics and encourages them to keep going and reach their goal. I believe that this systemactic approach of teaching does not inhibit a teacher's creativity since each teacher in different subjects are required to teach these skills and which allows them to include their creativity and allow students to learn easier.

  11. In my opinion, the Academic Literacy Plan is effective because learning and using the skills are very helpful in your future. Teachers should use their own style of teaching to connect with the skills taught.

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  13. I believe that the Academic Literacy Plan is a very effective way to prepare students with the skills and abilities they need in order to succeed in school and be ready for a 4 year college or university. With ALP, us students are given the advantage to apply these skills in life for future reference. This systematic style does not inhibit a teacher's creativity as long as they can incorporate ALP to the way they teach in their class. Each teacher is different and it is their job to apply these skills but also use their own teaching methods and creativity to educate their students.

  14. Even though the Academic Literacy Plan is systematic, I don't think it means it inhibits a teacher's creativity because they still have to think of ways to teach students these skills or have them apply it. I think it is an effective way for students to learn valuable lessons that will assist them not only in college, but in their future lives after that as well.

  15. Olympian Highschool's Academic Literacy Plan (ALP) can be viewed with both positive and negative qualities. The ALP sets a systematic guideline for learning strategies through concepts such as description and summary. The process is a helpful tool for students who might be struggling or below basic standards. It introduces them to habits that increase the depth of thought of the student whom uses such techniques. However, for more advanced and independent students, the skills appear rudimentary at best, and, although designed to help achieve a higher level of metacognition, don't further the learning habits of such students, as they are basic skills already naturally incorporated in the child's learning process. Because of the redundancy of the program for students who have already mastered the curriculum (EI: third grade is where 'summaries' are taught, no?) it incites loss of focus and/or boredom. Therefore, the ALP can be helpful to lower level learners, but for those at the advanced and proficient level, it is an unnecessary amount of time taken out of a period that could be spent on actual curriculum.

  16. I believe that the Academic Literacy Plan is very effective because it allows us as students to practice skills that we will eventually need to be a successful college student. But as far as teaching this systematically, I personally would rather be taught the ALP in a more creative way. I think it would be more helpful to us as young adults if teachers would explain how the ALP would help us throughout our everyday lives instead of just limiting the skills to being applied only in college. If this were to be done, students would more likely be motivated to practice the College Readiness Skills and the Habits of Mind because we would know how we can relate the ALP to the different lifestyles we plan on having in the future.

  17. I believe that the Academic Literacy Plan is a very beneficial and effective way to teach students skills that will help them throughout high school and college. Although, it is taught through a systematic approach, I believe it does not inhibit creativity. Teachers should make it more fun and hands on, so it is easier to memorize the skills.

  18. In my opinion, the academic literacy plan is a helpful learning tool. Some of the skills included are already techniques we've used before highschool but Olympian emphasizes them a lot more and it really helps us understand what they really are and how we can use them. To be honest, I don't get excited about learning the skills but I admit that they are very useful when it comes to writing essays, reading comprehension, etc. On the other hand, I think the creativy depends on the teacher rather than the system. For example, a dull teacher's lesson plans would most likely not be as creative as an imaginative teacher's lectures.

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  20. Overall, I think that the ALP is a highly effective way to prepare any student for a 4 year college or university. The 3 habits and 6 skills are things that any teacher can incorporate in their teachings, depending on their own style. I believe the ALP doesn't inhibit a teachers creativity, but instead creates a foundation for him or her to work with!

  21. I believe that although the Academic Literacy Plan isn't the most exciting thing in the world, we most definitely understand and utilize the skills taught in class. It will help us in the future, especially in college. Depending on the teacher, the ALP could be an uncreative or it could be amusing. With right combination of teacher and activities, it can be fun and enjoyable.

  22. The academic literacy plan although may not sound exciting and interesting , I am glad that I am being taught these skills at my school because it is effective and will prepare me for college. It will allow me to not be part of the 50% freshman college drop out, and be able to graduate with a diploma. The ALP includes 6 skills that you need for college in order to graduate. I believe that teachers should teach ALP in a creative way that way it seems more interesting for students.
