Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bio: Yvette Laguitan

Why hello there, my name is Yvette Laguitan. I am currently fifteen years old but turning sixteen in September. When you first meet me, I will be the kind of person that will be friendly and welcoming. But when you get to know me better, I will be the friend who just won't stop talking whether it's about how cute someone's shoes were or what my favorite song is at the moment (which is For The First Time by The Script, by the way). I can go on and on with introductions because I am a talker. But instead of writing a novel and sounding conceited, I would like to focus on my love for music. I like almost all types of music; if a song makes my ears want smile, then I love it. In my opinion, music is like the sister that God forgot to give me. Like an ideal sister, music can glue a smile on my face when the going gets tough, pump me up right before a volleyball game, calm me down when my two brothers annoy me, or mellow me out when I need a break. Plus the best part is, it doesn't come with the "hair-pulling catfights" or the "cute shirt stealing". Music does what I need for it to do, and when I want it to shut up, I simply press pause. Can you say perfect sister? I believe so. My point is, music is like the "mac" to my "cheese"; you just can't seperate the two. As a conclusion, I leave you with my favorite quote from the song Judge Not by Bob Marley, "Who are you to judge me and the life I live? I know that I'm not perfect and that I don't claim to be. So before you point your fingers, be sure your hands are clean." :)

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