Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bio - Raul Arce

My name is Raul Arce, I am Mexican and have some French and Chinese form my mother side. I am 15 years old and I was born on May 5 1996 which is when the Mexican army defeated the French in the Battle of Puebla. I am now 5 foot 2" and weigh 90 Lbs. I speak Spanish, English, some Italian, and some French. My favorite hobby and sport is archery. I practice 1 time every week from 4-6 p.m. in the Olympic Training Center. The reason why I did not join the schools athletics team is because first of all, there is no archery team in the school. Also, because the schools money for athletics is basically run by the ASB which does not have to be because the students themselves could try and fund-raise the money and because the district could pay for them instead of the ASB, and they have all their rules and spirit packs that cost like 50$ for just 3 pieces of clothing which makes them richer and every time you buy from them they get 10% more greedier but that is just part of my theory on the conspiracy of ASB controlling the school money. In my free time I love to eat and sleep, I also love to breathe and live. One of my favorite activities is getting free stuff from the internets like; Minecraft, Pokemon, Sound Waves That Have Rythm, Images That Move And Can Be Played On Portable Games like a DS- for example- and play any game I want, and Moving Pictures That Play On A DVD Player (I'm not a h-ker im just to 1337). I use Ares to "get" the before mentioned items and, depending on what type of file it is I usually compress it using WinRAR. Also, things I enjoy watching on the internets is Nyan Cat and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and Anime! Reading is one of my favorite pastimes. I read many genres except for romance and horror but anime and graphic novels are definitely included. When I grow-up I want to be a person, but more specifically: the President, or a lawyer that is not an attorney, or a chef, or a scientist. I like all thing that are kawaii!<3

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