Sunday, July 24, 2011

ap biology first week experience

Over summer vacation I had to grow a tomato plant for my ap biology class, I also had to take pictures of its growth and record its progress. Halfway trough the vacation, two seedling sprouted. Some days later the seedlings started to wither and one broke off of the seed. As time passed, my plants were not growing and I was getting worried whether it would grow or not. The three days before school i knew my plants were dead because they weren't even plants even more, they just looked like some brown crumpled paper thrown into my pot. Finally it was the first day of school and i went tough all my classes meeting my new teachers. When it was time for my ap biology class i didn't know how the teacher would react since i didn't do my first project. When she asked me for evidence to show if I did my project I told her the truth, that my plant had died. After class she talked to me and said that i could have more seeds and that I should try again. I was relieved, the teacher understood that the plants had died and had given me another chance.

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