Sunday, July 24, 2011

The First Week of Sophomore Year!

After a good break, we all had to got back to reality of school. This week when we got back I experienced many things, positively and negatively. I didn't really like my schedule when I got it, not because of the people in the classes or the teachers but because how my classes were arranged. Last year I had 6th period PE and i'm so used to having PE at the end of the day but not i have PE 2nd, so i was really disappointed. I was also disappointed about having Spanish 5/6 in the end of the day instead of the beginning. After a day of total disappointment, in the second day of school, i started to see the brighter side of things. I realized that having PE 2nd period wasn't so bad. It isn't as hot as 6th period and i won't get darker (I'm kind of have sun-phobia, but not much. I just don't like getting dark.) and the bright side to having Spanish last, well i still haven't seen the bright side but I've been liking Spanish lately. My most favorite educational experience is learning with a positive attitude helps you learn better and get good grades! I learned this from my AP World teacher Ms. Hadi, who taught us that being positive helps us learn better. So everyday she wants us to say "Good Morning" to her and come to class with a positive attitude. I'm also using this method for my other 5 classes so i could learn better. The last thing I learned was that the whole year, I can't slack off or give up. I have to keep trying my hardest and keep everything balanced. Not just for a couple classes but all my classes so i can get good grades and succeed. So those are my educational experiences I've learn this week. The negatively things aren't really school related so I'm not going to say them. I'm sure throughout this whole year, we'll learn many other things that will help us become more sucessful. (:

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