Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bio- German Soto

Hello there. I'm German Soto and I'm a Sophomore at Olympian High School. I was born on December 9th, 1995. I've lived in San Diego my entire life and one I come of age, I will travel. I am a member of the Academic Decathlon team and Academic League team. Academic Decathlon involves studying for around 8 months on 10 different subjects from math, science and economics. The Academic League involves specifying in a given area such as art or social science and studying about it. Then, we show off our knowledge by competing with other schools by using a buzzer system. Last year, we, the JV team, won 1st place in our division. We totally deserved that rank since we studied day and night and even had practice on Saturdays and during breaks. They're like my second family and they can always cheer me up during any time of day. Enough about that. I am a hardcore Harry Potter fan and I have been to every movie premiere there has been. I've read each book around 7 or 8 times. I lost count. After High School I plan to go to UCSD, UCLA, or Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. I either want to major in Architecture, Civil Engineering, Psychology, Business and Marketing, or something in the Medical Field. One of my life's goal is to learn at least 5 other languages. I already know Spanish and English and I plan to learn Italian, French, Portuguese, German, and Japanese. Once I get my career going, I plan to move to Italy.

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