Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Biography: Phoebe Chan

Hello! I'm Phoebe Chan, fourteen years old, and a sophomore at Olympian High School. I was born here in San Diego and have lived here my entire life. In fact, I haven't traveled very far from home at all. The only place outside of California that I've visited is Las Vegas. I currently live with my parents, my two rambunctious younger sisters, and my nine pets: two tiny, fluffy hamsters, a constantly anxious rabbit, and six baby goldfish. I don't like or dislike many things, but I do love a lot of things! I like to believe that there is light and hope in every situation and goodness in everyone's hearts. So really, I'm a bit of a hopeless optimist... I have faith in a lot of people, but not very much in myself. Since I'm a terrible perfectionist, I'm always working to improve myself and be the best that I can be, but I'm also working hard to gain more self-confidence! I'm a huge nerd and some people consider me "weird", but I've stopped caring about all the haters for the most part. In my free time, I enjoy singing, writing, reading, drawing, playing video games, watching anime, baking, gardening, and intelligent conversation. I have a weakness for anything and everything cute, especially flowers and small animals. My passion is singing. Ever since I was little, I've loved singing more than anything else in the whole world. I never believed that I could make it as a singer, so I gave up on my dream of becoming one for a long time. However, about five years ago, I watched an anime and fell in love with my favorite character of all time, Ranka Lee, who inspired me, along with her voice actress and my favorite singer Megumi Nakajima, to start working toward my dream again. Someday, I wish to sing professionally, basked in the warmth of bright light, on stage and bring joy to people through my music. This year, I am going to be the president of the Anime/Manga/Video Game (AMV) Club, and I am in advanced choir and beginning band. I hope to learn a lot from all my classes this year! One of my long-term goals is to eventually become valledictorian for the class of 2014!

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