Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bio - Albert Lau

Hi, I'm Albert Lau and I'm a sophomore at OHS. I was born in Los Angeles where i lived till i went to second grade then moved to Chula Vista in third grade. I've never participated in anything that has to do physically to my body till i got to Olympian. I joined Track and Cross Country to get more fit. I started playing games since I was five when my dad first had games for me to play. It all began when i got the super Nintendo and ever since then I've been playing games now. I'm the type of person who doesn't need to get out and get fresh air from my house. I can stay all day in my house playing games. I have been playing this one online game called League of Legends for about 1-2 years now almost 3. Every break now i would sit down with food next to my computer and just play games for hours and not stop until my girlfriend talks to me(: . So yeah. No life. :D

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