Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bio - Pia Yadao

Hello, I'm Pia Yadao, and I'm 15 years old attending OHS as a Sophomore. I was born in Los Angeles, but lived in the Philippines for the first 8 years of my life until we moved here to Chula Vista. Growing up, I always participated in various activities, such as ballet, karate, soccer, & lacrosse, but never really stuck to one thing. I guess I'm just the kind of person who likes to try different things. I was part of the school choir for both years in middle school, the girl's volleyball team in Freshman year, and now, as a Sophomore, I'm in color guard. Next year, I plan on taking Dance. I guess I just want to experience as much as I can, while I still can. I'm an overachiever; I always try earning straight A's, even though it doesn't happen all the time. I plan on attending UCSD and getting a degree in medicine. In the future, I also hope to be able to travel the world & gain new experiences.

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