Sunday, July 24, 2011

My First Week of Sophmore Year - A New Adventure!

Vacation went by in the blink of an eye and before I knew it, I was back in school, about to embark on a fun, exciting new journey! Or, at least I hoped it would be. I thought the familiarity and sense of "home" at Olympian would provide me with a lot more comfort than last year, but I still stumbled in a little bit nervous, a little bit jumpy. However, that feeling was soon washed away by pure happiness and excitement! This year, all my classes and teachers are perfect! I've found that all of my teachers are not only very reliable and educated, but also hilarious and interesting as well. I was so satisfied with my classes, that I found this week to be almost unreal, as if in a dream. I've had so many fun educational experiences this week that I can't really decide which one I like the best. Was it learning about advocating for the arts in choir? Maybe it was reviewing algebra with Mr. Avason or learning about the ALP and meeting new friends in English? Perhaps it was doing a lab with isopods in AP biology or learning about PERSIAN charts in AP history in between all of Mr. Chico's jokes? I think out of all my experiences the first three days of sophmore year, my favorite educational experience was getting my very first flute in band and learning the basics of my new instrument. It was an exciting and wonderful experience, looking at and getting the feel of a new instrument. This year, I can't wait to have even more fun experiences and learn a lot in all my classes!

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