Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bio: Anjelique Matias

Hi everyone! My name is Anjelique but you can call me AJ or J. I get to blow out my candles on July 29. I'm a Navy child, so when i travel i meet so many icredible people that they make me remember the positive notes about being a daughter of a navy officer. My life is full of so many adventures that i can't keep count. Besides being an adventurous person, I love to do sports. It's as if they are a part of mt life that I can may never let go of. My first sport actually was swim. I hadn't officially started but I learned how to swim when I was 5yrs old. When I moved from Washington to South Carolina I hadn't finished all of my strokes. I wanted to finish up backstroke, butterfly, and breastroke. I joined the swim team on base though in South Carolina and got to learn all the strokes i hadn't finished in Washington. I competed to get ribbons and I competed to get faster times. When I had to move to California I continued to swim at the club team IBST. I had improved from when I was 5 to when I was 13. I have stopped because I discovered a new sport that I absoultely fell in love with. Any guesses? No? Okay, it was volleyball in 5th grade! Playing for the first time was just amazing. In 6th grade I had taught my self how to jump serve. My coach was impressed because I had no experience with jump serving and somehow when I saw my coach do it, I learned how to do it. It was just an amazing experience. I joined club volleyball called Bridge, and that was just an amazing experience. I got to play agianst really good teams and improve in my skills then I had back then. Now that I'm in high school there will be more competion with all the other schools. I'm so excited to play against Otay, Eastlake, Bonita, and Hilltop. The reason being is because alot of my friends go there from volleyball and I want to play against them :)! This is just the basics about how my life is really for a love of my sports! Besides sports though, I've been playing the piano for 9yrs now! I'm really proud of myself because even though it may be boring at certain times I can have fun playing any type of song I want. Right now I'm trying to memorize two songs both 4 pages, and I have to play a duet. I don't know if it is true or not but I think piano is the hardest instrument to play because of all the chords, how long a peice is for a song, the moveability of both hands on the pinao and I believe that's just about it. I would like to post of video, but I don't really have anything recent haha oh well. This is just about the big things in life that really touch or describe about me. I'm atheltic and I'm a muscian. :)

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