Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Melody's Biography

Hi! My name is Courtney Meru, but I go by "Melody", for two reasons. The first reason is because whenever I panic or get really nervous about something, I sing softly to calm myself down. I also rap too, only when I'm angry though. The second reason is because this was the third choice of name that my dad was going to choose for me, until my mom really wanted to name me Courtney. I have a Filipino, Spaniard, and Japanese heritage. (My mom is half Spanish & Filipino; My dad is mostly Japanese & Filipino). I only speak 3 languages: Arabic, English, and Spanish -- Yes, I do chat with Ms. Hadi sometimes, in Arabic.

Not only do I like singing, but I also love to box. I fell in-love with boxing at the age of 12. I train at a place called "Body By Bobbie", wear they offer MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) and gym memberships. Boxing relieves all my stress from school, inspires me to work harder each day, and basically have fun training with the other boxers there. I was actually the first girl to join boxing, and train with the male-boxers there.

I like working independently on assignments. I actually like writing, more than reading. Poetry is my favorite style of writing, because it's very expressive. Auditory teachings, like lectures, are very helpful to me, because I am an auditory learner. I pick up things better when they are told to me.

San Diego is the city where I was born, and where I grew up my whole life. I like it here because the temperatures here are pretty decent , and I'm already used to San Diego's blazing summer weather. I went to Casillas Elementary, then to Salt Creek Elementary from fourth to sixth grade. The middle school I went to was Eastlake Middle. When I came to Olympian, it was actually really nice meeting tons of new people, during my freshman year.

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