Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Educational Experience

The first 3 days as a sophomore were quite overwhelming yet exciting. I knew I wouldn’t be able take my classes lightly considering the fact that I have APWH, Honors, and Accelerated classes. I got the classes I wanted, I am pleased with the teachers I got, and relieved to be in classes where I know some peers. The expectations needed this year are so demanding and I can apprehend that there’s no time to slack off. I knew I would have to set my priorities and responsibilities straight. A class I look forward to would be Intermediate Algebra 2 Accelerated. Mathematics was never my strongest subject, but after being in Mr. Alvasan’s class, he reviewed and explained lessons that made algebra easier to understand. What I liked best about his class is that his humor made it more enjoyable. APWH isn’t a class to take for granted now that I see. It’s pressuring, at the same time beneficial. I would have to advance my skills in note taking and be an attentive listener to Ms. Hadi. On the negative side, I was not pleased to have 6 period PE. The 2nd day I was already considered tardy because I was a less than 10 seconds late after the bell which was not acceptable to Ms. Hernandez. Overall I see a school year full of many responsibilities, assignments that will be time consuming, and now I must strive hard for good grades.  

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