Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bio: Nerizza Marie Manio (:

Hey everyone! I'm Nerizza Marie Yabut Manio! You can call me Neri, Izza, Nerizzle, Nerizz, Nerd Pizza or anything you can think of! I was born in the busy city of Angeles City, Philippines on July 16, 1996 at 6:40 am in Angeles University Foundation Hospital! I was the first grandchild in my mom's side of the family so I was very cared for and spoiled. I left the Philippines and came here when I was only 4 years old with my mom to be with my dad! I use to live in a small town near Bakersfield called Ridgecrest. I lived there since for about 3 years then my dad who is in the military got transferred to San Diego. I'm an only child but my life isn't as boring as everybody thinks. I'm now a typical 15 year-old girl who lives in Chula Vista! I go to Olympian High School and is currently a sophomore! I'm a pretty average girl who isn't really tall or short, somewhat long hair, my light/dark skin and my coffee colored eyes. My eyes are my features that show my Chinese/Japanese blood in me since everyone tells me I'm chinky. (: I'm a kind girl who doesn't really dislike people. I'm also a total optimist that always tries to smile everyday no matter what and I always want to bring a smile to the people around me. (: I'm very lovable, clever, independent, sincere and carefree! Yet I'm a very hardworking student when it comes to my schoolwork! I'm a total Asian when it comes to school work, a B is considered a fail for me. I try my best at everything and I have a total passion for fashion and photography! I would always make outfit sets online for possible outfits to wear and I'm hoping one day I can get those really nice professional Nikon cameras to take really good pictures that are photography-magazine perfect! My inspiration in life is Coco Chanel, the women behind the worldwide brand Chanel, she came from an orphanage and lived a hard life but she still manage to reach her dreams of being an amazing designer that many people admire! My life is full of adventures! Not just adventures with my friends but also with my family. I have a very close connection with my family. My family as in, not just my parents but my grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins on both sides of the family. I'm an only child so my family that I live with just consist of my parents and me. No matter how embarrassing or awkward my family is, I love them with all my heart and I'm actually to say I'm proud I'm part of that family! My friends are basically my siblings. I have friends in different schools and they're all different in many ways. I don't have a group of friends that are all similar to me and we are all similar to each other. My friends are all different individually. Even if we don't like the same things the others like and sometimes we fight over things, we always find ways to come back to being great friends. This picture was taken on my 15th birthday! After I blew my candles on my cake, two of my best friends both took some white frosting off my cake and wiped the frosting on my face or as we call it "caked". My friend in the maroon colored tank is Korina Loren or Ko Ko who is an Olympian Eagle and Patricia Bianca or Patty who is wearing the blue plaid flannel, is a Morse Tiger! I've been knowing these two since when we were in 6th grade and Patty was back in 4th or 5th grade. After being caked my face felt sticky and weird but hey, it's a tradition with us friends to cake the birthday person! I have a lot of interest in many many things. Like world history, Korean dramas, basketball, volleyball, Kpop (Korean Pop), cooking, etc. Sometimes I'm even how do you say this, um, 4 dimensional? I'm sometimes in my own little world but I'm not a weirdo! >.< I can speak Tagalog(Filipino), of course, English, I'm in my 3rd year of Spanish and I'm learning how to speak, write, understand and read in Korean all by myself! It's been going pretty good and I can talk,write, understand and read in Korean bit by bit! My goals this year is to get really really good grades for all my classes and not slack off at all, to get into the girls JV basketball team and to spend time with a friend because we never spend anytime together. ); My dreams after high school is to get accepted into UC Berkeley, major in a course that I will enjoy, after several years of being a single lady with a college degree, hopefully I will find my prince charming, get married have two kids (hopefully twins a boy and a girl but we can't decide that. -sigh-) and raise my own family in New York City! No matter how expensive that city is, I want to get a good job and reach my dream! (:

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