Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bio: Katrina Gozun

Hello, my name is Katrina Gozun. I was born in New Jersey on March 28, 1996. I moved to California around 2000 and have been living in chula vista ever since. I'm a genuinely happy person, and I'm not hard to befriend. My music taste would be indie and alternative though I listen to various kinds of music as well. I am family orientated, faithful to my religion, and I love good company with friends and my "bobo". As a child I have always loved drawing and doing sketches. I won mayor's choice in chula vista's district art show for a self portrait I made in the 8th grade. Like many, I enjoy playing sports. Freshman year I was a long distance runner for the 2 mile in track. Currently I've been playing volleyball. I am determined to advance my skills as a volleyball player and hope to be good enough to make it into JV. I have several hobbies such as computer editing, photography, and baking.   In the future I plan on majoring in the medical field in hopes of becoming a physical therapist or nurse perhaps. 

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