Monday, September 12, 2011

Black out

When the black out first came I was at school in the gym at practice. We were doing our regular drills when all of a suddden it was dark and as time went on, it was hot and still no lights, but we still practiced. To make sure we can see we opened the doors and tried to get some light in the gym. After practice ended, my sister picked me up and on our way home was scary because the lights were out and we did not know when t go. I got home, and had nothing to eat, my drinks were warm, the house was hot, and I was running out of light. I finished my homework in time, but I still needed to study for the vocabulary quiz I thought I was going to take the next day. I ended up eating nutella sandwiches, and tuna for my dinner with a side of melting strawberry ice cream. To entertain myself and my sister we did some crazy things I should not mention on here.

When the power went out the onlu thing I could think about was how we depended on electrcity so much. Without eleectricity I think humanity could not survive without using electricity. We rely on electricity for just about everything, food, entertainment, homework, schoolwork, and much more. Honestly, I think we should have an "accidental" blackout once in a while.

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