Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Business Letter

1901 Wheatville Street

Chula Vista, California 91913

September 20th, 2011

Mr. Jesse Michel


California Government Building

4231 Eagle Road

Sacramento, California 98719

Dear Congressman Michel,

The state of California wants to impose a Good Samaritan law which would require people to help others that are in need. I believe that this law would not be good for the state and should not be passed through the state congress.

Forcing citizens to help others in need could possibly make the situation for both people worse than it already was. One way of this is that an untrained person trying to help someone puts them both in danger. Also the decision to help someone should be based on morals not forced by law.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I hope you take all of this into account and vote to oppose the law.


Nick Hernandez

Nick Hernandez

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