Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Buisness Letter

6030 Vista San Isidro
San Diego, CA, 92154
September 21st, 2011

Mrs. Jane Murphy
Olympian High School
1925 Magdalena Ave.
Chula Vista, CA, 91913

Dear Congresswoman Murphy:

Recent talk has stated that it is possible in the near furture California will adopt a Good Samaritan Law. I belive that creating a Good Samritan Law in California would is not a good idea because we should trust that people will help based on their own morals rather than having to be told by law.

If you were to witness an accident, would you stop and call for help? Or simply keep walking? These are the questions we ask ourselves when there is an accident of some sort, but rather than relying on our conscience to answer that, we would feel forced by law to help. And what if the situation were to arrise were we are required to help, but are not able to or be able to reach someone would could? If a man had been beaten and left on the sidewalk in need of medical assitance, and we have know medical experiene we could be held reliable or jailed for ignoring him because we had no way of helping. We should not be obligated to help someone or it should not feel like an inconvenience, but rather we should help because it is what we believe s the right thing to do or make us feel better about ourselves that we had someone in need. All in all their should be no Good Samaritan Law becuase it should be expected of us to do the right thing. not be told to do it.

I hope you consider the points I mentioned. Thank you for your time.


Charlotte Morales

Charlotte Morales

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