Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Last Thursday, September 8, all of San Diego experienced a sudden power outage which was caused by a person in Arizona. Besides not being able to charge my cell phone and being somewhat scared of the dark, I had a fun experience during the blackout. Once the power went out, my cousins and I walked around our neighborhood trying to find a place that was cool since there was no air conditioning or fans working while it was still hot. Since we failed in finding a place to escape the heat, we tried to cool off by eating all the ice cream in our freezer before it all melted! We were not the only ones on our street doing this. Many of the kids and their families in our neighborhood were walking around as well trying to find ways to stay cool and entertain themselves since no t.v.'s were working. Later that night, we also had a bonfire in my backyard and barbecued all of the meat we had in our freezer. It felt just like camping! Overall, I think the blackout started off as something negative, but ended up being a great bonding experience for many families, friends, and communities by bringing us all closer together without all the distraction of technology.

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