Tuesday, September 20, 2011


2120 Foxglove way

San Diego ,CA 91910

September 20 ,2011

Congress women Elizabeth Gomez

Congress women

Olympian high school

1925 , Magdalena Avenue

Chula vista CA 91910

Dear Congress women Elizabeth gomez :

I writting you about the discussion of the Good Samaritan law if it should be establish here in California. My opinion about passing the law of Good Samaritan shouldn't be in United States .

We shouldn't pass this law on California because we have rights and one of them is freedom and if you pass this law it would take it away because you are makeing us do something we shouldn't do .Anothere reason why they shouldn't pass the law of Good Samaritan is because we have the right tu sued someone whent they hurt us and when they touch is and if we try to be a good samariatan helping a person that has been injured and we hurt him more we could go to jail or sued for money .This will be putting ourselfs at risks , it is nice helping someone when they are needed but we shouldn't be forcing us to do it.

Thank's for your time reading this letter .

Sincerely ,

Andrea Ayala

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