Tuesday, September 13, 2011


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During the day of the power outage in san diego, i was in the library doing my homework and all of a sudden, the whole power went out. So i thought "hey, they might've ran out of power". then i heard my phone vibrate and i checked it to see who texted me. My friends texted me if i ran out of power and my brother called me to say around our whole area the power went out. I thought i was halucinating at first but it turned out to be true. So my brother picked up from school and we were preparing for the night. We had candles for light and bread with nutella for food. My brother went out to target if they were open and the store were surrounded by cops there so he asked them "what happened?". there was a fight and those people ruined it for everyone else to get canned foods. That night we went to my sister's car and listened to the radio. The day after, I woke up and saw that my clock was working, then i turned on my lights and was surprised that the power went back on.

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