Tuesday, September 13, 2011


On September 8, 2011, a power outage occurred, around 3/4 in the afternoon. When this happened, I was at McDonalds, with a couple friends. I didn't realize what was happening, I thought it was only McDonalds that this was happening to. When my friends and I started checking our phones and social networking sites, we realized this was going on all around the city. We headed back home and all I could think of was, what was going to happen to my food?! I couldn't get in contact with anybody, there was no service, my phone was dying, it was hot, I didn't know what to do. It was really irritating and it made me realize how much I depend on electricity. My parents came home, soon afterwards and we started setting up candles and eating ice cream so it wouldn't go to waste. We actually spent some quality time and it was nice, for a change. This power outage, showed me that I should be really appreciative of electricity, because it actually showed me how much I rely on it, and how I could take advantage of it really easily.

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