Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Most people have come across the pressure of plagiarizing instead of actually doing their own work. Plagiarism is a temptation that some just cannot resist. Just imagine, not having to do any work but still getting full credit. Plus, coming home from an intense soccer game is exhausting, but the heavy piles of homework can disappear in a snap! As convenient as it sounds, plagiarism is not as beneficial as some may think. First of all, if a student copies the work of another and passes it off as his/her own, they would most likely get credit for the assignment but a few points is all that they get. They will not obtain any learning from the assignment, therefore, they will probably not pass the future test or exam. The purpose of assignments is to give students practice on the lessons that have been taught. If they are not prepared to do the work, then they should not even bother coming to class. Plagiarism is looked down upon everywhere, especially in Olympian Highschool. Students attend school to benefit themselves in the future; it is not a place for plagiarism.

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