Wednesday, September 14, 2011


When the blackout happened, I was actually at my house in the bathroom. At first I got really scared because everything was so dark. So I finished my business and went to my cousin's house because that's where my family gathered around that night. For the first few hours, I did some of my homework but I couldn't really because it got dark so quickly. So from then on I started texting people. That night my family and I had a real nice picnic, we cooked some rice and shrimp(gas powered) and we ate outside while listening to the radio. That night I finally really got close to my family. Also, I realized that over the past years the world has been really dependent on electricity. We should all conserve this amazing resource because many others like me wouldn't want another power outage. Without electricity, there wouldn't be much things to do such as, going on the computer,using lights,watching television, and cooking.

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