Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Plagiarizing is one of the problems students have when it comes to work. The cause of plagiarism is being lazy to do work. As students, we get very lazy at certain times but we know in our conscience that plagiarizing is not the best idea to do when we get lazy. Plagiarizing has many serious consequences and people who plagiarize think that they are not that bad but truth is, it is pretty bad when you plagiarize because you are breaking the law. Yes, plagiarizing is against the law because you are taking someone else's work and taking credit for it. You can plagiarize anything. From a classmate's work to a textbook and with the technology we have nowadays, it is possible to plagiarize from the internet. We might think our teachers would not figure out about plagiarizing but our teachers know many things and they can figure out really fast that students plagiarized. The consequences for plagiarism are serious. In high school, you go to the office or the AP's office, have a talk with your parents, attend Saturday school here at OHS and you get a zero on the assignment you plagiarize in. It is serious but it gets worst in college. When you plagiarize in college, there is one major consequence and that is expulsion. No matter what grade you are in college, you will get expelled if you plagiarized. Instead of plagiarizing, if your are feeling lazy, just turn the assignment with the work that is done by you and not someone else's work late. You can get at least some credit than no credit at all with Saturday school, a trip to the AP's office and a phone call to your parents. Plagiarizing is bad and illegal, do not plagiarize unless you really want to go through all those consequences and live with a huge zero on your grades.

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