Monday, September 12, 2011

San Diego's Blackout 9.8.11

My family and I did not notice the power outage of San Diego, until the microwave we were using stopped all by itself. We were puzzled, and the first thing I thought was, "I hope mom did not forget to pay the bills." My sisters, parents, and I checked if anything else just stopped working. The lights would not turn on, the air conditioning stopped, and the phone chargers were not working at all.
It was time for me to go to boxing practice. Thank goodness the cars were still working. As my stepdad drove me to practice, we noticed the first stoplight we saw did not blink any light. No red, no yellow, and no green. Perhaps many car accidents might have happened during the black out of San Diego. Fortunately, my stepdad and I were able to make it safely to boxing, and back home.
All the stores were closed, making it vulnerable for each one to be robbed, without any kind of cameras watching or alarms ringing. It was already 7:30 PM, and the only light my family had were candles. We were able to find some flashlights, enough for all 5 of us. I actually enjoyed having no electricity! Besides the fact that my phone died. However, my big sister Brittney and I were fighting with glow-in-the-dark sticks and our Star Wars light sabers. My mother slept pretty much the whole time, and my stepdad made dinner with candles. How fancy!
I knocked out on the couch because I was tired from light saber fighting, and laughing really hard that day. The next Friday morning, I wake up to use the bathroom, and my hand hit the light switch. It took me a good ten seconds to realize that the power was back on!

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