Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Thursday, around 3:38 in the afternoon, my cousin was driving us home when all of the sudden the stop light turned off. My cousin was not sure what to do, so she treated every stop light like a stop sign. Thankfully, we got home safe and sound. After we got home, I fell asleep on the couch and it was HOT. I woke up sweaty, wishing I could jump into our swimming pool. I then spent 20 minutes on the phone talking to my best friend, discussing our plans for the next day. As my mom made dinner, I was in the backyard playing pepper with a volleyball with my cousin and sister. We ate dinner outside and it was nice and peaceful. Then, all the candles were lit and we spent time inside. Taking showers were the scariest; it was eerie taking showers with candlelight only. The lights turned on around 9 at night and we were ecstatic. Our dependency on electricity is scary. Everyone was panicking and went out to buy water and ice. Having to uphold tasks under solely candlelight was difficult. The blackout did, however, bring a sense of unity to the neighborhood. I wish that we would have blackouts more often so we can create bonds within the community.

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