Tuesday, September 13, 2011



On September 8th, 2011 I came home from school and no one was home but me. I turned on the T.V. like I always do after school while lying down on my couch. Around 3:40 p.m. all of a sudden all the power went out. I got really scared because I thought i accidentally presses something on my remote that turned off everything. I the kitchen lights on and also the air condition was on. When the blackout occured you could hear the sound of everything just powering down. I quickly called my parents and asked if the same thing happened to them and they said that their whole work was out of power. When my whole family came home we prepared out flashlights, candles, and games for the night. We stayed up until about eleven o'clock just playing games and talking about how cool it was to not have power. I especially liked when the radio station said there was no school the next day. Even though the power went out, I enjoyed it because I could experience what it was like to not have power. I am also glad there was a blackout because it made me realize how important and how much we rely on power nowadays.

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