Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hurricane Irene

The east coast has been having a lot of trouble lately, with earthquakes, as well as a tornado, but the thing that is having the most troubling effect is the hurricane. Hurricane Irene is being called the worst hurricane of the century. Bridges and other buildings that were built back in the days of colonial America were torn down from the harsh winds, the excessive rain is causing major floods, and all of the storms caused several power outages. As I have many friends and relatives on the east coast, I have been talking to them, and receiving information on the disaster first hand, as well as the pictures they post up on the internet of how the storm is affecting the places around them. For instance, a place that my family and I go to with my grandparents when we visit New York, Jumpin’ Jacks, was completely flooded in a picture that my Grandpa posted on his Facebook, all the way up to the counters that you pay at, and the tables we almost entirely covered in water as well. Trees were scattered everywhere, and those that had not fallen already were being violently pushed around by the wind. In Virginia, where most of my old friends live, the Atlantic ocean was in utter chaos, the Bay Bridge Tunnel was closed down. Some people were not too happy and/or worried about this whole ordeal, such as Bailey’s dad, who posted, “we did good except for a few leaky windows and and a piece of our fence blew down, which I was able to hang back up just now...all seemed to fare well for everyone around here for the most part...” While others, such as Bailey herself, were a bit more enthusiatic about it, based on her post saying, “The water is covering the whole beach, its awesommme”. Based on everything I have seen from those I know on the east coast, the young people seem to have enjoyed the hurricane a lot more than the adults. All in all, I pray that everyone is still safe, but in all honesty, I wish I could have been there. After all, Hurricane Isabella was so exciting to go through!

(The first picture is one that my friend took with her mobile phone, of the beach in chaos, all of the sand being completely covered by the water. And these were just the beginning signs of the hurricane, while the other one is of her dad riding around the flooded streets in his jeep.)

(And this is a picture of the flooded Jumpin' Jacks! You could swim around in that water...)

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