Monday, August 15, 2011

Be a Good Samaritan

Should there be a law that talks about how we citizens need to help those in need? Well not necessarily. We shouldn't need to be told what to do and why we should do it. All we, as citizens , need to do is take the initiative of being a good samaritan. By this statement it means, even though we are not told that we should go stand up for someone who is being bully we should just go there and take initiative. If for say you were being bullied would you want someone to step up for you and protect you, or even if you saw someone you didn't know and they were being bullied would you protect them? There are questions behind our heads about being a good samaritan and thinking if there should be a law addressing all citizens help those in need. Basically those who do good deeds good comes out of them. So no there shouldn't be a law claiming we should help those in need, but there should be citizens out there willing to take initiative and become a good samaritan.

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