Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Impacts of Hurricane Irene

Since Hurricane Irene occurred, it has hurtled towards the East Coast. Families who reside in areas such as North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Washington D.C had been called to action to be evacuated immediately. For example, this hurricane has made an impact towards New York because shelters are now opening for those who are on mandatory evacuation since the city has faced the possibility of its first hurricane since 1985. In the majority of these areas, some damages that were caused because of Hurricane Irene were power outrages, deteriorated buildings, washed out roads, beach erosion, and many others. It has been determined that Hurricane Irene may be effective enough to the East Coast in that it could push oil prices higher because of the widespread wind and water damages that it caused in these areas.

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