Monday, August 22, 2011

Being a Good Samaritan

One on the first day of school, in middle school, the style for kids was that 8th graders were better than 7th graders in any way. It was lunch time and everybody got into their normal groups of circles. The 8th graders got out first and then the 7th graders after that so that the lunch area would not be crowded. The bell rung and out came the 7th graders and one of them was holding a red gigantic three ringed binder that had a bunch of papers in it. I was walking with my friends and the kid got bumped by a 8th grader, causing him to drop the binder and some papers. At least five or six people walked by him as they stepped all over his belongings. I felt bad so I quickly ran over and helped him with his papers. He told me thanks and asked me for my name. I introduced myself and told him it was no problem. At that time I did not care that he was a 7th grader because it kinda felt good to help someone out when they were down.

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