Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Good Samaritan

In elementary, I used to be part of my school's Safety Patrol from the 4th to 6th grade. It was our job to patrol the outsides of our school campus and to control traffic for the kids and pedestrians that walked home everyday. One Friday there was a little boy who was lost in a big crowd crying for his mom but couldn't find her at the "four corners". Since I was the leader of my friday group I told one of the trainee's for my position as sergeant to watch out for the group as I helped out the boy. I went up to the boy who was only a 2nd grader and walked him back to the school's office. I told the lady at the office he couldn't find his mom on his way home and she looked up his parents and called. Within less than 15 minutes his mother came and the little boy was so happy to be reunited with his mom. I felt good for the fact that I helped out this kid when he looked terrified and could have gotten lost if I hadn't stopped and sent him back to school. I'm glad he was safe and brought home safely. This was one of my experiences feeling like a good samaritan.

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