Monday, August 15, 2011

Being A Good Samaritan

I think that people should be forced to help others in a situation, by law. If helping people in situations was mandatory, it would prevent more crimes or make police jobs a lot easier. For example, if a girl was being hit physically by her boyfriend, it should be necessary for someone to get into the problem to help the victim out. By making it a law to help out others in problems, it could help societies in the United States improve more than it is now. Most people would walk away from an old lady not being able to cross the street, or they would also completely ignore a baby left in a carriage by itself in a street. It is a little similar to students doing homework. The more strict that the teacher is about homework, the more that the students will obey and do it. The less strict that a teacher is about homework, the more students will get lazy and not do it, and just assume "Whatever! I'm getting an A+ just because the teacher likes me!". That is why I think people should be forced to help others in a situation, by law.

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