Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Impact of Hurricane Irene

Hurricane Irene 2011 hit the East Coast. Causing billions of dollars in damage, estimates say that Irene would rank high in U.S.'s expensive natural disaster list. Warnings on television advertised common sense like: "Stay out of the beach!" "Prepare for the worst!" and "Stock up on emergency supplies!" Bottled water and canned goods were stripped fast from grocery stores and shelters offered a dry place to stay. The outcome of the actual hurricane affected certain areas differently. Yes, there is a lot of damage done on top of several dozen deaths, but in some areas heavy rain was the worst thing that happened to them. It all depended on where in the East coast you were located. High flooding seems to be the widespread problem. Overall this hurricane wasn't as bad as 2005's Katrina, but it was strong enough to tear down homes and devastate citizens living in the area.

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