Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Good samaritan law

In this modern country, it is not right to be forced to do something. Although helping others is a great, sincere, and a kind act, it should not be forced as a law. America guruantees our freedom. We cannot be forced to do something that some others do not like. Such as giving cash to homeless people, it is a kind act but on the hand, think about it. Homeless people may eat food at a local soup kitchen and can work at stores to get paid. However becuase of their personal probelms such as laziness, they tend to obtain money from doing nothing. From this others believe that helping others that are lazy, is just not the right thing to do. Although there are many different cases such as a person being bullied by others. In those we should help but making a law to help others is too harsh.

-Ryan (Minsung) Kim

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