Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Good Samaritan Moment

It was a hot summer day about two years ago, at the Del Mar Fair. Vibrant and energetic sights, sounds, and smells engulfed me as my family and I wandered around the fairgrounds, filled with excitement. Nearing the end of our sightseeing, my parents allowed me and my younger sisters to go off on our own and explore for a bit. We ran about in glee, tasting a bit of this, trying that, looking at that... until I spotted, out of the corner of my eye, a little girl crying and looking around in desperation on her own. Concerned, I approached her slowly. With every step, her little heart-wrenching sobs and hiccups began to slowly crescendo. I knelt down in front of the little blond-headed cherub and asked, "Why are you crying? What's the matter?" She explained that she lost her parents and had been searching for them for a long time. I smiled and offered to help her find them. She nodded shyly in agreement, I took her hand, and we set off to find her lost guardians. We immediately brought her to a security guard, who would look after her and try to search for her parents. I stayed with her anyway, just to look after her, and within ten minutes, her worried and frantic parents ran up to her and pulled her into a close embrace. After that, I just could not stop smiling. I was so happy that the little girl was reunited with her parents. Afterward, I think both me and the girl shared the same smile for the rest of the day.

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