Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Hurricane Irene was felt all around the Eastern Coast of the United States. It create numerous evacuations and many school and restaurants were shut down for the time being. Even though the storm did not hit as hard as they expected, it's effects are still felt. The hurricane swept through 13 states from North Carolina to New England. In New York City, millions of people were evacuated in order to avoid the storm. The city that never sleeps, rested for a couple of days. Bringing 115 mph winds, it created many blackouts throughout vast towns and cities. Also, Hurricane Irene killed about 44 people in 13 states. Most people who live in the crowded city of New York City don't own private means of transportation due to overcrowding. Since they utilize things such as the Subway and public buses, they needed to escape fast due to the fact that most of the public transportation business were going to shut down.

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