Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Confiscating Ringing Cell Phoes

A policy at Olympian High School that I would change is confiscating cell phones when they ring in class. Most of the time, when a student's phone rings during class, it is not their fault! The call or text that made the phone sound ring could have been a family member that forgets that you could be in class or an annoying commercial telephone number that will not stop calling. Not another student attending the school and wanting to talk. It may a disruption, in case there is a quiet activity going on or if the teacher is lecturing, but teacher phones ring out-loud all the time! Plus, teacher phones that ring out loud do not get turned in to the Assistant Principle. Phones are supposed to be "turned off", but nobody really turns off their phones during class. They are kept on, most of the time of vibrate or silent. What do you expect? We are teenagers that have social lives and text during lunch and nutrition break! We know not to use our cell phones during class, because we already acknowledge the consequences. I would change this policy by allowing teachers to at least give a warning to the student, in case it accidentally rings in class.

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