Monday, August 22, 2011

A Good Samaritan

I can not forget that moment. It was during Freshmen year and it was the 2nd to the last week before the first semester ended. I do not know what happened the day before but I remember being really out of the world during that time. I was not myself. Something was occupying my mind. It was probably the stress of exams for the first semester and I wanted to get good grades on my test to get over the borderline of my grades. It happened during passing periods of 3rd to 4th period. during 3rd period, I did not keep track of time so I did not get to put any of my papers away in my binder so I rushed to my 4th period thinking I would be late, as I got to the building, I tripped and fell on my knees and all my papers went flying everywhere. I sat there not bothering to pick up my papers because I was out of it and I did not think about anything. My knees were hurting and it felt like i couldn't get up. About 3 kids passed by me and they did not bother to help. Soon a friend of mine coming saw me and ran to me passing by his 4th period class. He helped me up and got all my papers for me. He told me to snap out of it and focus. He smiled and snapped a hundred times in my face to wake me up and I did. I said thank you and rushed to class. Even if he was my friend, he was a good samaritan to me because he actually bothered to help me up and help me snap out. After that incident, I started to focus more and became less clumsy throughout the day. That is why I always feel like I should help people even if I don't know them because of that day when I was wondering in my own little world and only my friend came to help me out when I was in need, making him a good Samaritan in my eyes.

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