Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Contraversial School Policy : Gum

Why can we not have gum ot why are we not allowed to have gum? These two questions have popped into the head of most students on any school campus with the rule : NO GUM. Even though we are not allowed to chew gum, students break the rules and do it anyways while either gettin gcaught or just being lucky. Studies show that by eating Sugar-Free gum helps improve test-taking situations. Yes it may not see believeable to hear that gum actually helps but researchers have done the research to prove to people that "it" can help improve test scores. At Olympian High School students chew gum because of stress, addiction, or they just want to chew gum. Olympian should change the rule and allow us students to eat gum while working because it takes our minds off other distractions bothering us and helps concentrate on the given task. If they do allow us there will be minimum marks on the floor and more resposiblity with throwing away the gum.

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