Monday, August 8, 2011

Controversial School Policy: Gum

There are many rules at Olympian High School but one that stands out to me in particular is "NO GUM." First off, I find this rule completely hypocritical because around school the administration and staff chew gum. The main reason why they do not allow gum on campus is because they are afraid that the gum will end up on the ground and stain up the concrete. If you were to allow the students to chew gum, it most likely would not end up on the floor. I say that because the most common reason why the gum ends up on the pavement is because the students are afraid of getting caught by the staff. The quickest way to get rid of your gum is to remove it from your mouth and just drop it on the floor, you do not need to take out a wrapper or find a trashcan to dump it in. In that sense, if a student is chewing gum and they see a staff member approaching them, they immediately spit the gum out onto the floor. Thus, if you would just let the students openly masticate gum, you wont have to worry about the appearance of the school.

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