Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Ipod

It was Christmas and all my family was huddled together around the tree we were handing out present everybody was excited especially my little cousins. I had opened a couple of present and I had been somewhat disappointed that I had not gotten anything I had asked for but I kept smiling and looking forward to the next gift. There were only a couple small gifts left so I assumed that that was it I had not gotten anything I really wanted when my cousin hands me a little bag I was very curious so I quickly take out the paper and open the bag and sitting very nicely in its little box is the purple ipod I had wanted so bad I was so happy and my parents could just read the joy off my face.

That same night I quickly went to charge while I went to bed so it would be ready next morning. At first I had trouble understanding some thing like how to download iTunes or buy songs. My sister and cousin helped me figure it out. As soon as I understood I quickly barrowed some CD's my sister had and pt them excitedly into my ipod. I was so thrilled when I put my earphones on and I could here the music I loved starting. For the next couple days I learned how to take videos and access the radio and upload movies into it.
When we got back to school my friends all wanted to borrow it so we would each share one earphone to listen to the music. We started taking videos of out times together to save as memories. Even though I may not have the newest ipod now, I am still happy with it because I always remember how happy I was that Christmas I got my ipod.

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