Monday, August 8, 2011

At Olympian High School, there are a variety of rules that some people might find appropriate or useless. One rule that Olympian High highly discourages is the formation of large groups. I believe that we should be allowed to gather in these "mobs" for whatever reason we might choose. It could be just to hang out with a friends or to watch people dancing. The Assistant Principals always make the group disperse which most of the time is highly uncalled for. In 1791, the United States Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution and in the 1st amendment it is stated that we are allowed to gather in groups in a peaceful manner. Most of the time it is. Some people might say that these groups might cause riots and fights, however; fights can happen at any time and anywhere without the need of large groups. In my opinion, it is useless to have this rule due to the fact that there isn't a variety of factors that would lead to riots.

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