Monday, August 8, 2011

Controversial School Policy: Gum

Gum has been a main controversial topic school wide in all places. Yet many students still break this policy, so why not just allow it at Olympian? Sure there are concerns about gum being left on bottoms of desk or being placed onto school floors. Though our school is strictly uptight with having a clean campus, if they allowed gum, there is a possibility students will be more responsible in discarding their gum into trashcans. Research shows from a CNN article that chewing gum keeps the brain active and have better academic performances. Also, chewing gum before lunch time helps distract cravings for food.  If gum was allowed in class, it would end the distractions of teachers having to call out students for chewing gum. There are good benefits to having gum allowed for students and the school's reputation on academics.

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