Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Mascara is a cosmetic tool that enhances the appearance of eyelashes. Most girls use mascara almost everyday, to extend the length of your normal lashes and add volume to them. Each bottle of mascara may have a different bristle amount and a different shape. The solid-ink like substance is usually black, but with some other brands, they come in different colors like: blue, pink, bronze, and gold. There are certain techniques to apply mascara. Girls will usually take the bristle and stroke their eyelashes a thousand times. However, this makes it a little bit harder for the eyelashes to curl upwards. The more beneficial way is to take the bristles of the mascara and wiggle it, as you comb the bristles in-between the eyelashes. It is very similar to teasing hair, which makes hair bigger and also look thicker. This is the exact same concept, when you apply it to putting on mascara.

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