Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Best friend

A dog can be your best friend . When I was living in Calexico I  had dog name Klean .I got Klean when i was 11 years old I had him until i was 13 years old . He became my best frien since then  I use to play alot with him . He was grey and white , when i came from school he use to come to the door waving his tail .I remember he love I  tickle his stomach and how i usse to walk him with my friends to the park . My best part is when he needed to take a bath and he didnt  want to and he try to run away and I will always right behind him to take him a bath. When we were going to move to eastlake we needed to gave it away because the apartment didnt let any animals .That was a hard time for me sayng goodbye to him . Comeing to eastlake my best friend became turtle but it wouldnt be the same any more to green animal that moves very slow but a still like him.

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